Key Facts About Toothache

There are no two ways about it, pain in your mouth is always unpleasant. There are various things that may cause toothache and a variety of treatments available. If you are experiencing toothache, you should always consult a dentist to minimise any longterm damage and get you out of pain as soon as possible.

What Causes Toothache?

Cavities as a result of tooth decay are a common cause of toothache. Gum disease, losing a filling, injuries or abscesses can also cause toothache.

The type of pain you feel may be mild to severe. If you have lost a filling but do not feel any pain, it is still highly important to visit your dentist as the tooth will be weakened and pain could come on suddenly.

What Does Toothache Feel Like?

The pain felt from toothache may come and go or be constant. The level of pain you feel may vary, but any pain in the teeth should always be checked out by a dentist.

Toothache is often a sharp and sudden pain, but, depending on the cause of the pain, may also feel like a dull ache.

It is not uncommon for people that are experiencing toothache to find it difficult to pinpoint where the pain is coming from; pain in a lower molar can sometimes feel like it is stemming from the ear. Additionally, pain felt in the top jaw may feel as though it is caused by your sinuses.

Why Does Toothache Hurt More at Night?

Many people report that their toothache is worse at night. This is just another reason to get your pain seen to as soon as possible and not delay until the next day.

Pain may feel worse at night because you are lying down and putting extra pressure on your teeth. The pain felt during the day may also have worsened and peak during the night,

Of course, it may also be psychological. Whilst the pain itself may not have changed, there are fewer distractions to focus on when going to sleep, meaning your thoughts are only on the pain, making it seem worse.

What Are The Best Painkillers for Toothache?

Toothache often comes alongside swelling in the mouth and where this is the case, anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen may work best. If you are unable to take anti-inflammatory medication, paracetamol is your next best option until you can see your dentist.

Book in Today

Coming in for your routine dental appointment will ensure that any issues are spotted quickly so that preventative measures can be taken.

No matter when your last dental appointment was, we always welcome emergency appointments. Please call 0161 773 7080 today.

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