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Porcelain Veneers

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Smile with Our Dental Veneers!

Being confident in your smile can make a world of difference. At Love-Teeth Dental Practice in Prestwich, we offer both composite and porcelain veneers as a highly popular and effective solution to chipped, cracked or discoloured teeth. Call our caring team on 0161 773 7080 today.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are a thin layer of porcelain covering the front surface of the front teeth. They are usually made from porcelain but can also be made from composite, which is a white filling material. The layer of material that covers your teeth will sit flush with your natural teeth so that you do not feel any discomfort once the treatment has been finished. Despite being undetectable, dental veneers make use of strong dental cement and are robust enough to last many years – providing you with a smile you feel fully happy and confident with.

How Do Veneers Work?

Veneers require minimal filing down of the natural tooth tissue to be put in place and may be used on both upper and lower teeth, in suitable cases. Teeth can become discoloured, chipped or cracked for a variety of reasons and in such cases, a veneer could provide the perfect dental solution. During the placement of veneers, a thin layer of the tooth surface is shaved off to ensure the veneer can be placed over the remaining tooth surface precisely for a natural appearance. The front of your natural tooth will then be protected by the veneer.

Your Trusted Dental Practice in Manchester

Here at Love-Teeth Dental Practice, we are proud of the solid reputation we have built up throughout our local area of Prestwich, Salford and across Manchester. Over the years, we have continuously strived to go the extra mile for all of our patients, regardless of the treatment they are coming in for. We understand that all dental treatments are highly personal and will provide you with a transparent service to help you make the best decision for you.

If you are unhappy with your smile and would like to discuss the options you have available, we welcome you to book a free consultation to see whether composite bonding or dental veneers are the treatment for you. We welcome patients from far and wide, so whether you are based in Salford or the other end of Manchester, our team are here to provide expert advice and dental treatments.

As a dedicated dental practice based in Prestwich, we see patients from a wide variety of surrounding areas, such as Salford and beyond. We offer a wide variety of dental treatments, to help you maintain a happy and healthy smile.

Porcelain Veneers Prestwich, Manchester - FAQs

What are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are slender pieces of porcelain used to recreate the natural look of teeth. They provide strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel. Typically, they are an option for correcting chips, cracks, gaps between teeth, and issues caused by tooth discoloration.

How are Porcelain Veneers Used in Dentistry?

In dentistry, porcelain veneers are used for cosmetic enhancements. They are ideal for treating a variety of dental issues such as teeth that are stained, chipped, or misshapen. Veneers are custom-made to the contour of the teeth and are bonded to the tooth’s original enamel during a series of in-office procedures.

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers in Dental Treatment

Natural Appearance

Porcelain veneers are well-known for their ability to reflect light and mimic the properties of natural tooth enamel, thus providing a natural and appealing appearance.

Durability and Effectiveness

They are highly durable and resistant to stains, making them a popular choice for those looking to make long-term changes to their smile.

Process of Applying Porcelain Veneers

Customisation and Application

The process of applying veneers involves a thorough evaluation of the dental structure, followed by a customised design and crafting of the veneers to suit the individual’s teeth. The application involves bonding the veneer to the tooth’s surface, which is a minimally invasive procedure.

Improvement in Dental Aesthetics

Veneers play a significant role in improving dental aesthetics, offering a solution for teeth that are discoloured, uneven, or have gaps.


Porcelain veneers are a significant tool in cosmetic dentistry, offering a versatile and effective solution for enhancing the appearance and function of teeth. Their ability to blend seamlessly with natural teeth, coupled with their durability, makes them a preferred choice for achieving a brighter, more uniform smile.

Porcelain veneers are a popular dental treatment known for their ability to enhance the appearance of teeth. They address several aesthetic concerns and provide a transformative improvement in one’s smile. Here’s how they contribute to a more appealing dental appearance:

Correction of Multiple Dental Imperfections

Discolouration and Stains

Veneers effectively cover teeth that are discoloured or stained, including those that cannot be whitened through traditional methods, due to causes like root canal treatment, stains from medications, or large resin fillings.

Chips and Cracks

Minor chips and cracks in the teeth can be concealed seamlessly with porcelain veneers, restoring the appearance of the teeth to a more pristine state.

Alignment and Spacing

Veneers can be used to close gaps between teeth or to make slight corrections in alignment, providing a more uniform look without the need for orthodontics.

Enhancement of Smile and Facial Aesthetics

Improving Tooth Shape and Size

Veneers can be shaped and sized in a way that complements the patient’s facial features and overall smile, offering a customised approach to smile enhancement.

Creating a Symmetrical Smile

By adjusting the size and shape of the veneers, dentists can create a more symmetrical and balanced smile, which is often perceived as more attractive.

Brightening the Smile

The whiteness and brightness of a smile can be significantly enhanced with porcelain veneers, as they can be crafted in shades that are several times whiter than the natural teeth.

Boost in Confidence and Self-Esteem

The aesthetic improvements provided by porcelain veneers often translate into a notable boost in a person’s confidence and self-esteem.

Long-Lasting and Natural-Looking Results


Porcelain veneers are highly durable and can maintain their appearance for many years, contributing to a long-term improvement in the appearance of teeth.

Natural Appearance

The translucent properties of porcelain allow veneers to mimic the natural appearance of enamel, providing a realistic and attractive look.


Porcelain veneers are a versatile and effective solution for enhancing the appearance of teeth. They address a wide range of cosmetic issues, from discolouration and misalignment to chips and cracks. With their durability, natural look, and ability to transform a smile, veneers are a popular choice for those seeking to improve their dental aesthetics.

The process of getting porcelain veneers is a multi-step procedure that involves careful planning and precise execution to ensure optimal results. The following outlines the typical steps involved in obtaining porcelain veneers:

Initial Consultation and Evaluation

Dental Examination and Treatment Planning

The first step in the process is a comprehensive dental examination. During this visit, the dentist assesses the patient’s oral health, discusses aesthetic goals, and determines if veneers are the appropriate treatment. This stage may include taking X-rays and making impressions of the patient’s mouth and teeth.

Discussing Expectations and Options

The dentist will discuss with the patient what the procedure will involve and what to expect. This is an opportunity for patients to express their desired outcomes and for the dentist to provide a realistic overview of what can be achieved with veneers.

Preparation of Teeth

Reshaping the Tooth Surface

The next step involves the dentist reshaping the tooth surface to prepare for the veneer. This usually involves trimming off a small amount of enamel from the front of the tooth, roughly equal to the thickness of the veneer to be added.

Making an Impression

After reshaping the teeth, an impression is taken. This model is sent to a dental lab, where the veneers are custom-made to fit the patient’s teeth and meet their aesthetic preferences.

Temporary Veneers

In some cases, temporary veneers may be placed on the teeth while waiting for the permanent veneers to be fabricated. These temporaries protect the teeth and offer a preview of the final appearance.

Placement of Porcelain Veneers

Checking the Fit and Colour

Once the porcelain veneers are ready, the dentist will temporarily place them on the teeth to check for fit and colour, making any necessary adjustments.


After ensuring a perfect fit and appearance, the teeth are cleaned, polished, and etched to prepare for the bonding process. The veneer is then permanently cemented to the tooth.

Follow-Up and Maintenance

Post-Treatment Care

Following the placement of veneers, patients may be advised on how to care for their new veneers, including oral hygiene practices, foods to avoid, and follow-up visits for check-ups and cleaning.


Getting porcelain veneers is a detailed and customised process that transforms the appearance of the teeth. It involves a combination of patient consultation, preparation, and skilled dental work to ensure that the final result meets the patient’s aesthetic goals. With proper care and maintenance, porcelain veneers can provide a long-lasting and attractive smile.

Porcelain veneers are a popular choice for cosmetic dental treatment, known for their durability and longevity. The lifespan of porcelain veneers can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the veneers, the expertise of the dentist, and the patient’s oral hygiene and habits.

Expected Lifespan of Porcelain Veneers

General Lifespan

On average, porcelain veneers can last between 10 to 15 years. However, with proper care and maintenance, they can sometimes last even longer, up to 20 years or more.

Factors Affecting Longevity

The lifespan of porcelain veneers can be influenced by factors such as the patient’s oral hygiene practices, their bite, and habits like teeth grinding or clenching. Avoidance of hard foods and not using teeth as tools can also prolong their lifespan.

Maintenance for Prolonging Lifespan

Oral Hygiene Practices

Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are essential to maintain not only the health of the veneers but also the underlying natural teeth and gums.

Professional Dental Care

Regular professional cleanings and dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining the health and longevity of porcelain veneers.

Avoiding Damaging Habits

Avoiding habits such as biting nails, chewing on hard objects, or using teeth to open packaging can help prevent chipping or cracking of the veneers.

Replacement of Porcelain Veneers

Signs of Wear and Replacement

Over time, veneers may show signs of wear such as chips, cracks, or discolouration. When these signs appear, it may be time to consider replacing them.

Procedure for Replacement

The process for replacing veneers is similar to the original procedure. It involves removing the old veneers, preparing the tooth surfaces, and placing new veneers.


Porcelain veneers offer a long-term solution for improving the appearance of teeth. With appropriate care and maintenance, they can provide a beautiful smile for many years. Regular dental visits and good oral hygiene are key to extending the life of porcelain veneers.

Caring for your teeth with porcelain veneers is crucial for maintaining their appearance and longevity. While veneers are relatively easy to maintain, certain practices can help ensure they stay in excellent condition for many years.

Daily Oral Hygiene

Brushing and Flossing

It’s essential to brush at least twice a day and floss daily. Use a non-abrasive toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid scratching the veneers. While veneers are not susceptible to decay, the underlying teeth and gums must be kept healthy.

Rinsing with Mouthwash

Use an alcohol-free mouthwash to help maintain oral hygiene without affecting the bonding agent used to attach the veneers.

Regular Dental Visits

Check-ups and Cleanings

Schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings every six months or as recommended by your dentist. These visits are crucial for maintaining the health of your teeth and gums and the integrity of the veneers.

Avoiding Certain Habits

Chewing Hard Objects

Avoid chewing on hard objects like pens, ice, or fingernails, as these can chip or damage the veneers.

Teeth Grinding and Clenching

If you grind or clench your teeth, consider getting a night guard to protect your veneers and natural teeth from excessive wear.

Diet Considerations

Minimising Staining Foods and Beverages

While porcelain veneers are resistant to staining, it’s still a good idea to minimise exposure to substances like coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco to maintain their appearance.

Eating a Balanced Diet

Maintaining a balanced diet is not only good for overall health but also beneficial for your oral health and the longevity of your veneers.

Handling Emergencies

What to Do in Case of Damage

If a veneer chips, cracks, or becomes loose, contact your dentist immediately. Avoid attempting to fix or reattach the veneer yourself.


Caring for your teeth with porcelain veneers involves maintaining good oral hygiene, avoiding certain habits, and regular dental visits. By following these guidelines, you can ensure the longevity and appearance of your porcelain veneers, contributing to a lasting, healthy smile.

Porcelain veneers are often considered for cosmetic improvements, but they can also play a role in correcting minor tooth misalignment. Understanding their capabilities and limitations in this context is important for those considering veneers for orthodontic purposes.

Scope of Porcelain Veneers in Correcting Misalignment

Minor Alignment Issues

Porcelain veneers can be effective in correcting minor misalignments, such as small gaps between teeth or slightly crooked teeth. They offer a cosmetic solution by covering the front surface of the teeth, creating an appearance of more aligned teeth.

Limits in Orthodontic Correction

It is crucial to note that veneers do not change the actual position of the teeth. For more significant alignment issues, orthodontic treatments like braces or clear aligners may be more appropriate.

Considerations for Using Veneers for Alignment

Assessment by a Dentist

A thorough dental examination is necessary to determine if veneers are a suitable option for correcting misalignment. The dentist will assess the severity of the misalignment and discuss whether veneers can achieve the desired outcome.

Combining with Other Treatments

In some cases, veneers may be used in combination with other dental treatments. For example, minor orthodontic work may be done first, followed by the application of veneers for cosmetic enhancement.

Benefits of Using Veneers for Minor Misalignment

Speed of Treatment

One of the advantages of using veneers to correct minor misalignments is the speed of treatment compared to traditional orthodontic approaches. Veneers typically require only a few appointments over a few weeks.

Aesthetic Improvement

Beyond aligning teeth, veneers also improve the overall appearance of the smile, including colour, shape, and size of the teeth, offering a comprehensive cosmetic enhancement.


Porcelain veneers can be a suitable option for correcting minor tooth misalignments, offering a quicker and aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional orthodontic treatments. However, they are not suitable for more significant alignment issues. A consultation with a dentist is essential to determine if veneers are the right choice for your specific needs.

Understanding the impact of porcelain veneers on tooth sensitivity is important for those considering this cosmetic dental treatment. Veneers can influence sensitivity, both during and after the procedure.

Impact of Veneers on Tooth Sensitivity During Procedure

Enamel Removal

The process of placing veneers involves removing a thin layer of enamel. This can temporarily increase tooth sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. Most patients experience this sensitivity during the period between enamel removal and the placement of the final veneers.

Temporary Sensitivity

This heightened sensitivity is usually temporary. It often subsides after the veneers are permanently bonded to the teeth and the tooth adapts to its new covering.

Long-Term Effects on Sensitivity

Reduction in Sensitivity

Once the veneers are placed and the teeth have adjusted, many patients find that their sensitivity levels return to normal or even decrease. Porcelain veneers can act as a barrier, protecting the tooth’s surface from stimuli that cause sensitivity.

Case-by-Case Basis

The effect on sensitivity varies from person to person. Some may continue to experience mild sensitivity, while others may notice a significant reduction.

Maintaining Comfort Post-Veneers

Using Sensitivity Toothpaste

For those who experience sensitivity after getting veneers, using toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth can help. These toothpastes contain compounds that help block the transmission of sensations from the tooth surface to the nerve.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Regular visits to the dentist are important for monitoring the condition of the veneers and the underlying teeth, ensuring any issues related to sensitivity are addressed promptly.


While porcelain veneers can cause temporary sensitivity during the initial stages of the procedure, they often do not cause long-term sensitivity issues. In fact, they may help reduce sensitivity by covering and protecting the tooth’s surface. Individual experiences may vary, and it’s important to discuss any concerns about sensitivity with your dentist before and after the procedure.

Porcelain veneers are a popular choice for those seeking to improve their smile due to their close resemblance to natural teeth. Understanding how they compare in appearance can help in making informed decisions about cosmetic dental treatments.

Visual Similarities to Natural Teeth

Colour and Shine

Porcelain veneers can be matched precisely to the colour of a patient’s natural teeth. They also mimic the natural shine and translucence of tooth enamel, making them visually indistinguishable from real teeth.

Texture and Reflection

The surface texture of porcelain veneers is similar to that of natural tooth enamel. This similarity helps in reflecting light in a way that is very similar to how natural teeth do, contributing to a natural appearance.

Customisation to Enhance Appearance

Shape and Size Customisation

Veneers are custom-made to fit the unique shape and size of each tooth, allowing for a natural look that enhances the overall smile while maintaining individual characteristics.

Improving Aesthetic Flaws

While mimicking the look of natural teeth, veneers also offer the opportunity to correct aesthetic flaws such as minor misalignment, chips, or gaps, further enhancing the smile’s appearance.

Durability and Longevity in Appearance

Stain Resistance

Porcelain veneers are highly resistant to staining compared to natural tooth enamel. This means they can maintain their bright, white appearance longer, even for those who consume stain-causing foods and drinks.

Long-Term Appearance Maintenance

With proper care, the appearance of porcelain veneers can be maintained for many years, often outlasting the natural wear and discolouration that affects natural teeth.


Porcelain veneers offer a highly aesthetic and natural-looking option for enhancing the smile. Their ability to mimic the colour, shine, and texture of natural teeth, combined with their customisation and stain resistance, makes them an excellent choice for those looking to improve their dental appearance while maintaining a natural look.

Identifying whether one is a good candidate for porcelain veneers is crucial in achieving the desired cosmetic dental results. Veneers are suited for various dental concerns, but not everyone is an ideal candidate.

Ideal Candidates for Porcelain Veneers

People with Cosmetic Dental Concerns

Individuals seeking to improve the appearance of their smile due to issues like tooth discolouration, minor misalignments, chips, cracks, or gaps between teeth are good candidates for porcelain veneers.

Patients with Healthy Teeth and Gums

A fundamental requirement is overall good oral health. Candidates must have healthy teeth and gums. Conditions like gum disease or severe tooth decay must be addressed before considering veneers.

Considerations for Veneer Candidacy

Sufficient Tooth Enamel

Since a small layer of enamel is removed before placing veneers, it’s essential that candidates have adequate enamel. Without sufficient enamel, veneers may not adhere correctly and could damage the teeth.

Commitment to Oral Hygiene

Candidates should be committed to maintaining excellent oral hygiene. Proper care and regular dental visits are crucial for the longevity of veneers.

Who May Not Be Suitable for Veneers

Individuals with Bruxism

People who grind or clench their teeth excessively (bruxism) may not be ideal candidates, as this can cause veneers to chip or crack. However, solutions like wearing a night guard can sometimes mitigate this issue.

Those with Severe Orthodontic Issues

For significant alignment or bite issues, orthodontic treatments might be more suitable than veneers.

Consultation with a Dental Professional

Assessing Suitability

A thorough consultation with a dental professional is essential to determine if porcelain veneers are a suitable option. This will include an evaluation of the patient’s oral health, discussion of aesthetic goals, and an assessment of the best treatment options.


Good candidates for porcelain veneers include individuals with specific cosmetic dental concerns, good oral health, and a commitment to ongoing dental care. While they offer an excellent solution for many, they may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with certain dental conditions or habits. A professional dental consultation is the best way to determine individual suitability for porcelain veneers.

Lifestyle factors, particularly habits like smoking and consuming beverages like coffee, can have an impact on porcelain veneers. Understanding these effects is important for those considering or already having veneers.

Effect of Smoking on Porcelain Veneers

Staining Potential

One of the primary concerns with smoking is the potential for staining. Although porcelain veneers are highly resistant to stains, prolonged exposure to tobacco can cause discolouration, especially along the edges where the veneer meets the natural tooth.

Oral Health Considerations

Smoking also adversely affects oral health, potentially leading to gum disease and other issues that can compromise the longevity and appearance of veneers.

Impact of Coffee and Other Beverages

Staining from Coffee and Tea

Just like smoking, regular consumption of coffee, tea, and other dark-coloured beverages can lead to staining over time. While veneers resist stains better than natural teeth, they are not entirely stain-proof.

Preventive Measures

To minimise staining, it’s recommended to rinse the mouth with water after consuming these beverages and maintain good oral hygiene practices.

Maintaining Veneers with Lifestyle Habits

Regular Cleaning

Regular brushing and flossing, along with professional dental cleanings, can help in managing any potential staining and maintaining the appearance of the veneers.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Making lifestyle adjustments, such as reducing the intake of stain-causing foods and beverages and quitting smoking, can significantly benefit the longevity and appearance of porcelain veneers.


While porcelain veneers are resistant to stains, lifestyle factors like smoking and regular consumption of coffee can affect their appearance over time. Awareness and proactive measures, including good oral hygiene and lifestyle adjustments, are key to maintaining the aesthetic quality of porcelain veneers in the long term.

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